What Causes Technical Debt Relating to Software Security?
Discover the causes of technical debt and learn how to mitigate them before attackers exploit these security flaws to get into your network. (Considering they did this to a U.S. federal agency, surely bad guys can do it with your company, too.)
On average, developers spend up to 42% of their time dealing with technical debt. That’s a major productivity loss. This trade-off between releasing new products fast and creating secure and high-quality software is estimated to cost organizations a whopping $5 trillion within the next ten years.
And while some degree of technical debt is unavoidable in the real world, when it gets out of hand, the consequences can be severe. Knowing and understanding the causes of technical debt, particularly with regard to software security, will help you find and implement the right solutions.
Join us on our journey that explores the underlying, multifaceted causes of technical debt, its symptoms, and how to deal with the causes from a security perspective.
What Are the Causes of Technical Debt?
Technical debt, sometimes called tech debt, is the proverbial elephant in the developers’ room that no one wants to talk about. It’s a bit like the black sheep of the family that no one wants around, and every time its name is mentioned, all eyes roll.
Why? Let’s explain it with an example. Does your organization continue using legacy software because it supports critical applications or systems? You all know that it should be replaced, but no one dares to touch it. Why? Because swapping it out will be one nightmare of a job. Some crucial operations may have to stand still for a few hours. That’s tech debt. And that’s why people often want to run out of the room as soon as it’s mentioned.
But teams keep on delivering codes faster than lighting. The monotonous and often time-consuming (yet important) stuff (e.g., patching vulnerabilities, bugs, and addressing security issues) gets postponed until “later.” And when “later” never comes, the elephant (i.e., technical debt) gets fatter and more burdensome.
Want to exit this vicious cycle? To do that, you’ll have to figure out the real causes of technical debt first. Because as the English poet John Dryden once said: “The best way to solve a problem is to remove its cause.”
Are you drowning in tech debt and don’t have the time to read through the whole article? We’ve got you covered. Here’s a quick summary of the most common causes and solutions in our table below.
Causes of Technical Debt | Solutions |
1. Developer Shortages and/or Increased Workloads |
2. Tight Deadlines and Budgets |
3. Lack of Expertise/Skills |
4. Lack of Coordination and/or Collaboration |
5. Poor or No Documented Standards |
6. Inadequate or No Testing Procedures |
7. Overly Complex Code |
8. Unexpected Technical Issues and Requirement Changes |
9. Relegating Security to the End of the Development Cycle |
10. No End-of-Service Life Cycle Process |
11. Rapidly Evolving Technology |
Want to get the most out of this article? Then keep reading.
1. Developer Shortages and/or Increased Workloads
Software developers have been highly sought after in the past several years, much like the latest smartphone model. According to a recent CoderPad survey, they’re the most in-demand technical roles in 2023, with back-end developers at the top of the rankings (55.04%).
But the demand is higher than the supply. Organizations are struggling to fill vacant positions, and 4 million developer jobs may still be unfulfilled by 2025. And what do you do when your boss wants you to deliver the new application “yesterday” and you’ve only two developers working on it?
Their workload would increase disproportionately, and since they aren’t octopuses with multiple tentacles, you’ll inevitably have to cut corners. As a result, they may:
- Choose the wrong development tools,
- Leave out key features, or
- Go with the faster short-term solution that’ll have to be amended later.
Over time, all the problems caused by these wrong, rushed choices will accumulate. They’ll become increasingly difficult and expensive to fix the longer you wait.
How Can You Deliver Despite Limited Resources?
I know that asking your boss for additional resources is like asking uncle Scrooge for a $100 bill. So, let’s assume you have to make do with the resources you have. How can you avoid accumulating too much nasty tech debt without killing your two developers or seeing them resign because the project gobbled up their personal life?
- Automate repetitive tasks. Use automation tools to free up time so that your developers can focus on other essential operations. Use PowerShell scripts to automate small tasks. Don’t forget to secure them with a digital signature. Testing software tools will assist you in evaluating software performance (i.e., functional testing), identifying bugs (e.g., unit testing), and more during the whole development process.
- Reuse your code. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you start a new project. Reuse some of the code you wrote for another application and/or existing code libraries and frameworks.
- Opt for low-code or no-code platforms. Build your web and mobile application utilizing a simple software development interface that enables you to simply drag-and-drop components instead of coding. Learn more about the difference between low-code and no-code platforms in this five-minute video:
2. Tight Deadlines and Budgets
51% of organizations are planning to increase their IT budget in 2023, according to data from SpiceWorks Ziff Davis (SWZD). Don’t start celebrating yet, though, as 51% of them will invest that money to upgrade their infrastructure. Are you lucky enough to have the right number of developers on your team but still struggle because of tight deadlines and a limited budget?
Rushing your project because your boss said so is never a good idea, but often development teams do so to keep the management happy. I always remember a phrase one of my colleagues told me on the first day at one of the companies I worked for: “If your manager asks you to jump out of the window, you do so. He’s your boss.” And I also remember very well what I thought: “Hell, no.”
Working a bit under pressure is OK; it can even be motivating. But when the pressure reaches a tipping point and becomes too much, all you’ll get are mediocre results and frustrated, burned-out team members. And when they’re tired, mistakes are just around the corner, fattening up that elephant in the room.
Developing an application with strict budget constraints and tight deadlines is a bit like trying to build a two-story house with a patio using only wood and a hammer. To respect the agreed timeframe, you’ll eventually reduce the number of floors to one, scrap the patio, and cut down the number of windows. You’ve still built a house, but not as sturdy as you planned, and many features are still missing. This is another example of tech debt.
How Can You Mitigate the Effects of Tight Deadlines and Budgets?
In addition to the solutions listed in the previous point, there are other things you can do to limit or even avoid feeding your tech debt monster.
- Start early. Make sure you identify key requirements and technical concerns during the planning and design stages to prevent excessive technical debt later.
- Keep it simple. Don’t overdo it. Implement the key features that’ll help you create a good quality application without complicating it too much. It’ll be easier to maintain if you get rid of everything redundant or are considered “nice to have” (but not necessary).
- Plan for the worst-case scenario. When you’re planning your milestones, take into account any last minute, unexpected changes (e.g., technical issues, requirement changes, etc. — more on that later). Your deadline may be tight, but it may get worse if you don’t plan ahead.
3. Lack of Expertise/Skills
According to Manpower, nearly four out of five employers struggle to find candidates with the right skills. Fullstack developers are most wanted but also the hardest to find; they’re followed by front-end and back-end developers.
You can’t find a back-end developer? You can get away with using a full-stack one, but you may have to compromise on programming languages. You aren’t so fussy? Beware. Choosing the wrong language may further impact the quality, flexibility, and maintainability of the application you’re creating.
Last but not least, inexperienced developers may add another heavy brick to your tech debt wall. How? By implementing improper solutions when they don’t have anyone to point them in the right direction.
How Can You Remedy the Lack of Expertise/Skills?
Experience and technical skills are like Rome: they can’t be built in a day. Mastering a programming language or learning a new skill — even an “easy” one — takes time. How can you ensure your tech debt doesn’t inflate because your employees don’t have the right skills?
- Invest in technical and security training. Educating your staff on new threats and technologies will help avoid making costly mistakes. Encourage research, and set up targeted learning plans. It’ll reduce the chances of creating more tech debt because of wrong decisions and keep your products secure.
- Consider employing borderless employees. You can’t find what you’re looking for in your state or country? You’re not alone. According to Gartner, 58% of organizations employ some technical staff living and working in another country. Sometimes, it helps to look beyond your backyard.
- Create a learning culture. Let your people know that investing time in learning or researching isn’t considered wasted time. Have you ever heard of brown bag sessions? At a company I worked for previously, these types of educational meetings were held once a month. They were informal meetings where people could share knowledge how they wanted on a specific topic.
4. Lack of Coordination and/or Collaboration
You have no idea how much poor communication and collaboration can negatively affect your technical debt until you’ve experienced it. I discovered it at my own expense, and it wasn’t pleasant.
At the time, the product and the developer teams sat in different offices on the same floor. This shouldn’t have been a problem, as it was just a short walk, and communication between the two teams would be a given, you’d think… Wrong.
Yup, despite the two teams being only a few steps away from each other, the collaboration and communication between the two groups could have been a lot better. Even if you have a daily meeting and you’re using an Agile approach to manage your project, it didn’t matter; the collaboration and coordination just weren’t there. And it got worse over time as things became increasingly siloed. They were doing their things, and we were doing ours, without even minimal coordination.
As a result, misunderstandings, errors, and issues were often discovered too late in projects. Thus, these issues were often left unsolved or added to our technical debt to be dealt with “later” (there’s that word again). Did we find a way to put it right? We surely did, eventually, but not without first experiencing a lot of headaches and unnecessary issues.
How Can You Foster Collaboration and Improve Coordination?
Coordinating teams scattered all over the building or, even worse, dispersed in different countries can be a tough nut to crack. Dreaming of teams with a seamless collaboration?
- Mix the teams. Put in each office at least one representative from each team: developer, product team, and security team. Communication and collaboration will increase instantly. Worried that’ll impact the collaboration within the single teams? Don’t be. For us, it worked like a charm. Are your developers working remotely like 83% of Jamstack’s community survey developer respondents? No problem. Ours participated via video calls and kept in touch with the support of team collaboration tools and instant chat apps.
- Set up a joint daily meeting. OK, it might take 5-10 minutes longer as you’ll have three teams talking instead of one, but it’ll dramatically increase coordination and communication. Guaranteed.
- Choose your product manager wisely. You can have the best teams in the world, but duplication and misinterpretations are just around the corner if the product manager you picked isn’t up to the challenge. Get the right person, and your communication, collaboration and ever-expanding technical debt problems will become things of the past.
5. Poor or No Documented Standards
When I worked as an application security analyst, among all the tools we had, there was one I hated working with. It was built by a developer ages ago to automate tedious but critical manual tasks, but it was buggy and incredibly slow. It was built in a hurry and, as often happens, the open issues were never fixed. Technical debt, anyone?
One day, the developer who built it left the company. A few weeks later, disaster struck. We received an urgent request but the tool wasn’t working. We were panicking.
The new developer checked the tool and broke the bad news: the code was so oddly written that, to him, it was like trying to decipher hieroglyphics. To exacerbate the problem, there was no documentation to turn to for solutions. The verdict? He would need weeks to even try to figure out how the tool worked, let alone (hopefully) find the bug.
So, what did we do? We completed the task manually to respect the deadline while the tool was scrapped and rebuilt from scratch. This time, following the agreed programming standards (i.e., the written guidelines and rules to comply with in the coding phase to ensure that the final product is fit for purpose), help documentation was included.
How Can You Ensure Standards Are Followed and Well Documented?
Want a code that is secure, reliable, and with technical debt as low as possible?
- Define strict coding and quality assurance standards. Why is it so difficult to read somebody else’s code? Because everyone has a unique style and way of doing things. Get the team together and agree on common standards (e.g., the naming convention for variables, standard headers, etc.) and best practices. Finding and correcting bugs, reusing and maintaining code, or adding new functionalities will become simple. And it’ll reduce your tech debt in the long run.
- Document clearly and share standards with your teams. Write down the agreed-upon standards in a clear and understandable way, then share them with the development team. Ensure everyone realizes why these standards and processes are important and the benefits they’ll get from following them. Anyone on the team should be able to work on the code without needing help from the author. No more backlog or new technical debt when one of your teammates is off sick or leaves the company!
- Use peer reviews to ensure the standards are followed. Documentation and standards are good and useful so long as they’re constantly utilized. Include checks for standards in your peer reviews to ensure consistency across developers and throughout the project. It’ll also help you prevent errors and promote learning from others.
6. Inadequate or a Lack of Testing Procedures
The latest Verizon DBIR report shows that 82% of breaches involve human errors, among other causes. How can you even hope to prevent those errors without having proper testing procedures? You can’t.
We’re humans; we all make mistakes. Some are small and unimportant, and others can be expensive and have catastrophic consequences. For example, sources attributed poor testing procedures as one of the causes of two commercial airliners crashing and killing 346 people in 2018. The manufacturer failed to test the behavior of the airplanes’ software in case of a sensor malfunction. Got it now why testing is a critical part of the SDLC?
Integration testing, unit testing, security testing, you name it. They all facilitate identifying issues or bugs. And they allow you to fix them on the spot, without adding to your technical debt burden.
How Can You Reshape Your Testing Procedures?
Too often in software development, testing is relegated to the final steps of the process. And that isn’t good enough. Review your testing process and ascertain that:
- Document your testing procedures. An undocumented test is a non-reproducible test. And how can you fix the issues you found if you didn’t document the process you followed to spot them?
- Shift-left your tests. Starting testing at the earlier stages of the pipeline is a critical element of organizations’ strategy in 2023. Identifying and fixing vulnerabilities and bugs sooner will save you time and money, improve product quality and help you keep your technical debt at a reasonable level. Do you follow the Agile methodology? Testing is already part of the iterations, but you can shift it left by adopting a test-driven development (TDD – where tests are run before developing the code) and static code analysis tools (i.e., checking the code without executing it).
- Automate your tests. Want to be able to continuously test your codes, but you don’t have the resources? The solution is automation. Of the 60% of surveyed U.S. organizations that have implemented test automation, 58% of them achieved a faster release time and superior reliability of their codes.
Want to dig deeper and learn more about improving your testing procedures? Check the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards (IEEE) 29119-1:2022 document. And for those among you who are testing geeks, there’s even a testing competition.
7. Overly Complex Code
Have you ever had to add a new feature or fix a bug in a complex code? It’s a nightmare and usually takes ages. If you’re tasked with finding the bug first, good luck with that! You’ll spend hours looking for something buried in thousands of irrelevant code elements.
Complex code is often the result of developers rushing to deliver a product, or their reckless use of open-source components that are often more difficult to manage and update. But it also happens when the developer adds a lot of ‘nice to have’ and redundant features just to make their software look sophisticated. Thus, they’ll neglect more important elements that may cause serious security issues and add to your technical debt.
We’ve already learned how implementing and following code standards can help reduce your tech debt and make your code more readable. Code complexity is another aspect that clearly impacts readability, as proven by research published by MDPI in 2023.
How Can You Simplify Your Codes?
As Albert Einstein said, ”Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… it takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” Want to be a genius? Then you may want to try the following:
- Keep it simple, stupid (KISS). Make your code as simple as possible. Do not over-engineer it and write it bearing in mind that it has to be read, understood, and maintained by others, not only by you. With organizations replacing 20% of new recruits, creating a code that’s readable by all is a must. Avoid large pieces of code and be consistent.
- Don’t add unnecessary features. Every feature you include in your software is something you must maintain. The more features you have, the more time you’ll spend updating and debugging them. Think about it using the building example from earlier: do you really need to add a hot tub on top of the log cabin’s roof you must finish building in five days?
- Evaluate the pros and cons of open-source components. Open source is great in many ways. It doesn’t cost a dime and it offers great flexibility. However, the other side of the coin isn’t always so shiny. Open source is also more complex and less compatible. Keeping it up to date can be tougher than you think. Want to have a simpler code? Carefully weigh and compare the pros and cons of proprietary and open-source components.
8. Unexpected Technical Issues and Requirement Changes
You’re a few milestones away from completing your project when, suddenly, your boss comes to your desk and informs you that one of the requirements has changed. Uh oh — it’s one you fulfilled some time ago. This is every developer’s worst nightmare.
I love surprises, and I’ve always been very flexible in my job. But constant software requirements changes aren’t fun for anyone, above all when an iteration cycle is thrown into turmoil.
OK, requirements may change over time (e.g., due to regulation changes, and new vulnerabilities). You’ll certainly encounter technical issues during the development phases. However, if you haven’t planned resources and time to address those worst-case scenarios, your tech debt may go up in a flash.
How Can You Mitigate the Impacts of Technical Issues and Requirement Changes?
Incorrect requirements and failing to assess technical concerns at the beginning of the project can easily add to your tech debt.
- Document requirements and acceptance criteria in user stories. In Agile, user stories enable you to describe requirements in clear and concise ways. Always define the acceptance criteria in each user story. If you do so, you’ll avoid misunderstandings and ensure your team has enough time to deliver the product as scheduled.
- Invest in a requirement management tool. The clearer and more organized your requirements are, the fewer changes you’ll have to make during development. A requirement management tool will help you manage, track, and maintain all your requirements without too much effort.
- Assess technical risk sooner. Estimate technical risks and plan adequate resources and time during the whole software development life cycle (SDLC).
9. Relegate Security to the End of the Development Cycle
48% of organizations interviewed by Arctic Wolf consider ransomware and targeted threats as their top concern for 2023. 33% of ransomware attacks observed in 2022 by Truesec started with the exploration of one or more vulnerabilities in the affected systems.
Are you still considering security as an afterthought? That’s a dangerous move that won’t only add to your tech debt, but it’ll also expose your product, organization, and customer to serious security threats, including ransomware.
Do you ship vulnerable and unsigned codes to save time and money? It may look like the cheapest solution now, but it may cost you more in terms of remediation activities, lost sales, and decreased consumer trust in the long run when things go wrong (and they inevitably will).
How Can You Give Security the Importance That It Deserves?
The latest Great eXpeltations annual report confirms that 2022 was a critical year for cyber security. According to the data, compromised ISO files were one of the new attack vectors counting for 12% of ransomware incidents, according to their data. To re-focus your SDLC on security and keep your tech debt on a tight rein:
- Implement a more secure development process. Devsecops will incorporate security into your development process, minimizing the risks of threats and high tech debt. However, you can go the extra mile and give security the top spot by implementing secdevops for a secure software development life cycle (SSDLC).
- Integrate the secure software development framework (SSDF) into your SSDLC. Easily secure your SDLC following the best practices and recommendations included in the SSDF of your choice.
- Protect your codes with a trusted code signing certificate. Confirm the authenticity and integrity of your codes by signing them with a code signing certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). Say no to compromised or infected files that could cost you (and your customers) dearly, particularly when engineers spend 25% of their workweek understanding and classifying incidents.
10. No End-of-Service Life Cycle Process
Did you know that 93% of organizations surveyed in January 2023 are still using legacy applications? This is according to data from Harmony Healthcare IT. I bet you are using one or more legacy systems, too.
Why? Some companies find older systems easier to use, while others don’t dare touch critical components for fear of negatively impacting critical operations. Others simply don’t have the money or the time to invest in system migration. But sticking to an obsolete application without a proper deprecation plan will add another heavy weight onto your technical debt.
How Can You Timely Retire Your Deprecated Applications?
The same survey we just mentioned reported that 58% of CIOs managed to save significant funds by decommissioning legacy software. Get rid of the oldies. You may have to invest, but you can put your tech debt elephant on a diet by implementing the following:
- Prepare a service deprecation plan. Once redacted and agreed upon, it’ll have to be followed for all new applications. No exceptions. Set a timeline and respect it. Remember: the longer you keep legacy systems alive, the hardest they’re to retire and the longer your systems will be vulnerable.
- Make a list of your legacy applications and systems. Do you already have an inventory of all your software? Use it to extract the list of the systems to retire. Then, add them to the components that practically qualify for pension (including third-party and open-source components) you identify in your software bill of materials (SBOMs).
- Shut down legacy systems that are still running (slowly). Got the list of obsolete apps and systems handy? Don’t switch them off all the once. It’ll be like feeding your tech debt a whole cow in a single day. Remove direct login access to one system and slowly reduce the number of users accessing the legacy system by dividing them into groups. Then move to the next one in phases.
11. Rapidly Evolving Technology
Did you know that a Moso bamboo can grow up to 3.74 feet (1.14 meters) in a day? That’s super fast. And do you know what else is evolving at a rapid pace? Technology. In a short amount of time, we’ve seen existing technologies evolving into something greater and new, futuristic services and products hit the markets. Among them for example:
- Web3. The next generation of the world wide web powered by blockchain architecture.
- Multicloud. A cloud computing solution enabling organizations to use the best services selected from more than one provider. It’s so popular that 85% of businesses are using two or more cloud platforms, while 25% use at least five.
- Artificial intelligence (AI). Based on machine learning and powerful algorithms, it’s used in several areas from banking and marketing to cybersecurity and analytics.
- New coding languages (like Rust). Released in 2012, Rust is already the most loved language by developers, according to Stack Overflow’s 2022 Developer Survey.
These are just a few examples of the novelties that are shaping our tomorrow. Keeping up with everything isn’t easy, above all when you’re developing software. Lag behind and you may end up releasing a product that’s obsolete before it’s out the door. The consequence? It’s elementary, my dear Watson: you’ll get a higher tech debt.
How Can You Keep the Pace With Technology?
Want to avoid ever-changing technology having too much of a negative impact on your development project?
- Include technology updates in your roadmap. Are you already aware that more advanced software will be released soon that’ll make your new app appear obsolete? Don’t stick your head in the sand like an ostrich. Evaluate the new solution and start planning now how to make any necessary improvements.
- Don’t be fooled by everything that shines. Don’t rush. Not all novelties are ready to rock. Some may well be just a flash in the pan. Remember: customers aren’t always willing to trade security and stability for the latest trends in technology. Therefore, cutting edge is good, but with discretion.
- Keep yourself and your team up to date with the latest threats. When technology evolves, cybercriminals and their tactics evolve, too. Be aware of the latest security threats and vulnerabilities to avoid shipping a product with dangerous flaws. Follow industry news, participate in social networks’ cybersecurity groups and discussions, and subscribe to security newsletters and blogs.
How Can You Manage Your Technical Debt?
It’s clear now that technical debt is an inevitable part of software development. Like a house, no matter how well you construct it, it’ll need some renovation work (e.g., a new roof or windows) sooner or later. The same concept applies to your applications, which will need improvements and updates over time.
Want to manage your tech debt to ensure it won’t get out of hand? Here are three tips to follow:
- Talk to your developers about it. Make tech debt one of the topics of your meetings. Decide with them when to take more tech debt and when to add resources to trim down the existing debt.
- Reserve some time for product maintenance. Carve out a few hours from your development time to dedicate to addressing those bugs, vulnerabilities, and maintenance tasks you postponed a while ago.
Pro tip: Let your developers plan their time to tackle tech debt.
- Include technical debt in your sprints. How can you avoid losing track of your tech debt? Add its related tasks to your sprint planning. Be reasonable, though! Asking your developers to work on technical debt and development tasks without adjusting any corresponding timeframes isn’t fair and will drive them up a wall.
C’mon, it’s technical debt payback time!
Final Thoughts on What Causes Technical Debt (And What Steps You Can Take to Mitigate It)
The past few years of technological evolution have brought organizations incredible new solutions and leading-edge tools. These assets enable them to create wonderful, innovative products in a fraction of the time. But these perks came at a hidden cost represented by technical debt.
As you’ve learned, the root causes of software security-related technical debt can span the gamut from a simple lack of documentation to tight deadlines, or the more dangerous habit of waiting to consider security until the end of the project.
Now that you’re more than familiar with what’s causing the exponential growth of your software security-related technical debt, please don’t let it get to the point where you ignore it until disaster strikes. Instead:
- Monitor and keep tabs on your technical debt,
- Implement some of the solutions you’ve just learned to avoid it growing too much, and
- Start pruning the branches of your tech debt tree, little by little, until it’s gone (or is, at least, minimal).
Your customers will enjoy more secure and less buggy products. Your organization will become more competitive and have more money and time to invest in innovation.