Refund Policy Refund Policy tries its best to keep up with the latest security standards in a cost-effective manner. Customer satisfaction is our primary goal. If the certificate you purchase does not work as planned or was bought by mistake, no need to worry. Any certificate obtained from our website comes with a money back guarantee. At, you can cancel your order and ask for a refund at any time within 30-days of purchase.

Do I get a 100% refund?
In most cases, yes. While there are never any restocking fees or hidden charges, Code Signing Certificates purchased with a shipped USB token are only be eligible for a partial refund once the certificate is issued and the USB Token has shipped. We will refund the cost of the certificate minus the USB Token + shipping charges.
How do I cancel the order?
Open your dashboard and navigate to the order you want to cancel. You’ll have an option on that page to cancel the order for a refund. Once submitted, our team will review the request eligibility and process it accordingly.